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World's Best School Nomination for VA
World’s Best School nomination for Venturers’ Academy
Staff, students and families are celebrating at Venturers’ Academy after being nominated for one of the World’s Best School prizes, an initiative run by T4 Education. This global accolade is open to schools from all over the world, but only by nomination. A visitor to Venturers’ Academy two weeks ago who attended a conference there, nominated the school after being incredibly impressed by what they saw and experienced during their visit.
Shortlisted schools will be notified in June, and of course we’re hoping that Venturers’ Academy will be on the list. Given that the nomination itself is a wonderful endorsement of all that Venturers’ Academy seeks to achieve for its pupils, it’s no surprise that the school community is celebrating today!
The World's Best School Prizes are a series of prestigious education awards, giving inspirational schools a global platform so that others can replicate their best practices. The prizes recognise the pivotal role that schools play in developing the next generation of learners and the wider contribution this makes to society's progress.
In total, there are five World’s Best School Prizes, each celebrating a unique aspect of transformational schools. The five Prizes are for Community Collaboration, Environmental Action, Innovation, Overcoming Adversity, and Supporting Healthy Lives. Venturers’ Academy has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity Prize.
In his application, the Executive Headteacher for Venturers’ Academy, Trystan Williams, wrote:
“In 2016 I had the privilege of being the founding Principal for Venturers’ Academy. Three years later the school secured a ‘Good with Outstanding features’ Ofsted outcome and, in 2021, was shortlisted as Special School / Alternative Provision of the Year by the Times Educational Supplement.
“Venturers’ Academy is a specialist Free School for children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum condition. It came into existence in 2016 as a direct result of the drive and belief of parents and carers, who advocated for change and imagined a sanctuary in which invisible ceilings didn’t exist and the brightest future for every child would be a reality.
“Day by day, within Venturers’ Academy this vision is being realised, sometimes in leaps and sometimes more gradually, but always with a recognition that there is more to be done. Venturers’ Academy is a place where every member of our community embraces diversity, strives for equity and champions inclusion.
“Our culture of aspiration aligns and our words matter, not because of who we are as individuals but because of who we are ‘together’. Staff, students, parents and carers share an approach that allows us to challenge each other to be better, to do better, and together we path-find for better outcomes.
“Our shared values of ‘individuality, responsibility and kindness’ are lived experiences across all three sites that make up our school, with our shared mission of 'working together to improve life chances for all’ permeating every action and interaction we make.
“Venturers’ Academy is a school where students achieve more for themselves and for their communities, they understand the true value of their place in society and their impact upon the world, and they have the confidence, skills and autonomy to achieve far more than they ever thought possible.”
Commenting on the award nomination, Chair of Trustees for Venturers’ Trust, Gail Bragg, said: “The amazing staff and wonderful students at Venturers’ Academy are already champions in so many ways, but being nominated for such an important award is a fantastic achievement that recognises their great many strengths. I wish them every success in the World's Best School selection process.”