Student Welfare

Student Welfare and Medical Needs Officer/Admissions: Lisa Reeves

Heath & Safety Officer: Kate Hale

Reporting a student absence

To report your child's absence, please contact the Academy as early in the morning of each day of absence as possible. Please include your child's name, class, the reason for their absence and the anticipated date of their return.

Attendance and Punctuality

Regular attendance and punctuality to the Academy and to lessons is essential for all of our students to make good progress, achieve their academic potential and consequently have better chances in life. Attendance is a key performance indicator within the Academy. It is the responsibility of everyone in the Academy community to ensure they achieve this. The Academy monitors the attendance and punctuality of all students and reviews it weekly.

The Academy's Attendance Target is 96%.

Attendance over One Academy Year
If a student had:

98% attendance = fewer than 4 days absent from school
95% attendance = fewer than 10 days absent from school
90% attendance = 4 weeks absent from school
85% attendance = 5 ½ weeks absent from school
80% attendance = 7 ½ weeks absent from school (Equivalent to one day per week absence for the whole year).
N.B. A child who misses a day of school per week throughout Years R – 11 misses an equivalent of over two years of their learning time in school)


Venturers' Academy employs state of the art security technology, in closed-circuit television, which is sited both internally and externally as well as intruder detection systems and access control on its external entrances. The use of CCTV complies with current legislation as does notification signage and labelling - CCTV Policy (VT).

The Academy also has a modern and comprehensive fire detection system.  Access to the main Academy buildings for staff, students and visitors is carefully monitored by the Reception team and everyone on site is required to be identifiable at all times so that items such as face coverings (e.g. motorcycle visors, full face goggles or veils) which obscure clarity of identification of an individual must be removed for the duration of a person’s time on site.

Identification badges and lanyards are issued to visitors and photo ID cards are also worn by all staff. The remainder of students in the Academy are identifiable by their Academy uniform and Faculty polo shirts or ties.